Children’s Sunday and Vacation Bible School

Sunday School

Sunday school classes are held weekly on Sunday mornings from 8:30 – 9:15 a.m. from September through May. We have Sunday school classes for Nursery (age 3) through Grade 12. There is also adult bible study class. In addition to meeting weekly there are other activities that Sunday school children can participate in, including making homemade Christmas greetings for the shut-ins of St. John’s.

Noisy Offering: A noisy offering of loose change is collected in Sunday school on the first Sunday of every month for Lutheran World Hunger.

Bibles for Grade 3 Students: Bibles are presented during both services on Reformation Sunday, to all Grade 3 students who regularly attend Sunday school. The Bibles are presented as part of our support for their on-going faith development and in support of the promises parents made when their children were baptized. Parents and children are invited to come forward to participate in the presentation. Grade 3 students are encouraged to invite family members and friends to worship with them on that special day.

First Communion: A series of preparatory classes on the Sacrament of Holy Communion are offered for children during their Fifth Grade year. After the period of instruction, children receive their First Holy Communion on Maundy Thursday. At the request of a parent, a child may receive instruction in the Sacrament of Holy Communion beginning no earlier than the child’s First Grade year. This instruction will be a partnership between the child’s parents and the pastor. Age-appropriate instructional materials will be provided for the parent(s) to instruct their child at home. Contact the pastor for more information about this option.

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is held for one week during the summer for children age 3 through grade five. CALLING ALL PARENTS! The success of VBS at St. John’s Lutheran Church depends on its volunteers! If you feel you can help for all or any VBS days we’d love to hear from YOU! THANK YOU!