Category Archives: worship

St Johns Worship activities

Heidi Stufflet: Steward of the Month: September 2019

I have been a part of St. John’s Lutheran Church for just about my whole life. I started attending St. John’s with my mother (Faith Drescher) when I was around 4 years old and was a part of Sunday School and VBS. My father worked for a short time as a janitor at the church which is how we came to attend St. John’s. I was baptized, confirmed, married (to Chris Stufflet) and had Elyse and Erik (our children) baptized and one confirmed at St. John’s as well. I started singing in the Junior Choir in elementary school and continued in the Youth Choir in middle and high school. I played the flute during my schooling years and enjoyed sharing my talent by playing preludes, offertories and anthems with the choir.

Presently I participate in the service in a few different ways. I serve as a lector and am a prayer partner too. I wasn’t so sure if I would be comfortable as a prayer partner but after a few times I have come to appreciate the personal nature of the act of praying a prayer of healing with someone. I have also shared my musical gifts by singing during services. As a family (and part of my stewardship), we participate in presenting the gifts and occasionally greeting at the 8 am service.

I am also a newer member of the Outreach Committee. It always feels good to think about and put into action ways of helping and caring for others that are part of our community.

Last but certainly not least, I volunteer in the kitchen for VBS. It is a busy but very rewarding time. I love the ladies I work with in the kitchen! It reminds me of how much fun I had at VBS as a child while attending and spending time with my church family friends setting up and cleaning uo at the end.

I am not always comfortable with trying new things as my anxiety can get in the way. For anyone reading this that might feel the same, please don’t hesitate to try something new at church. It might just work out and become a way that you can be a steward of and for the church.

Heidi Stufflet

Madelyn Eisenhart: Steward of the Month – July 2019

My name is Madelyn Eisenhart. I have been a member of St. John’s Lutheran Church since I was born.

At church I love to help out with anything I can. Some of the things I do at St. John’s include helping my mom with Altar Guild, helping with GIFT events (the Easter Egg Hunt, the church picnic, and the German Christmas service), and singing in the youth choir. This year I am going to be a helper at VBS. I love to help out because it makes me feel good as a person. It is also fun to work behind the scenes on events so everyone can enjoy them.

Nancy Reimert: Steward of the Month – June 2019

Having belonged to St. John’s all my life, I’m trying to remember the changes made throughout the years, of which there were many. I’m remembering Sunday School in the church basement. We had an opening for all classes together and then the curtains would be pulled, and each class would have their section for the lesson of the day. I’m thinking having a band in Sunday School but can’t find anyone with me at that time to confirm this. {It’s been confirmed we had a band). When Spring and Summer arrived, we looked forward to Bible School. We had many, many children. I really can’t remember how the church was set up for Bible School, but I believe we had an opening with all groups and ages in the church. Then I believe we all went downstairs for our lessons and crafts. Ed Fogel had a wood shop or wood burning for the boys. Later in my life, after collage, I helped at Bible School with the arts and crafts, then later when we went from two weeks to one week and evening, I helped in the kitchen to prepare supper for the children and staff. {By this time, we had Sunday School rooms for classes and a Parish Hall for openings and closings). Going back to earlier years while in high school, I helped at the St. John’s Stand at the Allentown Fair. The women were busy cooking and baking in the kitchen, which was in the basement of the church at this time and the men were making sauerkraut in Mr. Folk’s garage on Ridge Street. We don’t want to forget the women who made Fasnacht’s to sell. Throughout my life time I served on the Education Committee, I am on Alter Guild, a greeter, a member of the Newsletter group, bake for fellowship, and not to forget help to decorate the church for Christmas and Harvest Home, which I haven’t been able to do recently and also went Christmas caroling to the homebound members. I’m truly blessed to have such caring church family who have helped me in many ways.

Nancy Reimert