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Support the Troops

Please place your donated items in the box in the back of the sanctuary or in the coat room.

This is a list of items especially needed:

– Candy (individually wrapped)
– Individual snacks such as peanuts, beef jerky, and protein bars
– Drink mixes for adding to water
– Men’s and women’s deodorants
– Microwave popcorn
– Sanitizing wipes
– Sunscreen

Personal notes (Personal notes from adults or children boost morale and let the soldiers know that the folks back home support them. Please do not date the notes.)

If you know anyone currently serving in the mili-tary, please provide his or her full name and address and how long he or she will be serving at that address to Faye Schuler at fgschule@gmail.com. That person will be sent a care package.

Support the Troops, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Packages are sent to our soldiers regularly, not just at holidays.

Checks for donations for postage can be made out to “Support the Troops, Inc.” If you would like a tax deductible receipt, please request it when you give your check. Faye Schuler will accept monetary donations. Each box costs about $16.00 to send.