
Worship & Music

Worship & Music

At St. John’s



For Christians, nothing is more important than the time we spend at worship. Worship is the core of our congregation’s life and involves all those who gather. It is here that we come together as God’s people, called through our Baptism to the one body of Christ. In worship we experience the means of God’s grace – God’s Word. God’s Word is Jesus Christ who comes to us in worship in proclamation of the scripture (the audible Word), Holy Baptism (the adopting Word), and Holy Communion (the edible Word).

Worship is held at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday morning using the rich diversity of liturgical resources in the Lutheran tradition as we seek to continually renew our worship life. We also gather for worship on days such as Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.

St. John’s has joined the growing number of Lutheran congregations which have restored the weekly celebration of Holy Communion. The Eucharist (Holy Communion) is celebrated each Sunday. Communion is distributed at the altar on the first Sunday of the month and by Intinction on other Sundays (with occasional exceptions). (Intinction is the method by which the communicant receives the host and dips it into the wine.)

All baptized Christians are invited to receive the Sacrament. Children who have not received First Communion Instruction are invited to the altar to receive a blessing. (First Communion Instruction is usually offered during the fifth grade, culminating with the reception of the Sacrament on Maundy Thursday.)

Worship Activity bags are available for children to help them participate in worship.

Worship & Music Committee

The mission of the Worship and Music Committee is to assist the Pastor and Congregation Council in providing for the highest quality in the congregation’s worship and to involve as many members as possible as participants and leaders, according to their gifts. To meet that need we have many volunteers who serve in the special choirs, adult handbell choir, church-time nursery; on the altar guild, and as soloists, cantors, acolytes, communion assistants, gift presenters, greeters, lay Eucharist visitors, readers and ushers. Join one or more of these groups and become a vital part of our worship services.

We have six regularly scheduled meetings per year as well as special meetings which are called as needed. We would encourage anyone interested in fulfilling the committee’s mission by becoming a member of the committee to call the church office.

Reaching Out to Homebound Members

For those who are unable to attend Worship services at St. John’s, we reach out to you.

Eurcharistic Ministry: Lay Eucharistic visitors are members of St. John’s who have had special training and take communion to our homebound members on a monthly basis. This outreach helps keep members in touch with the life of St. John’s by more than just the newsletter or occasional visit. The team members visit homebound members in hospitals, nursing homes and family homes.

Holy Baptism is a Sacrament, a means of God’s grace. In Holy Baptism God delivers us from the forces of evil, puts our sinful self to death, gives us new birth, adopts us as children, and makes us members of the body of Christ, the Church. Holy Baptism is received by faith alone.

Candidates for Baptism are of all ages. Some are adults and older children who have heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ, declare their faith, and desire Holy Baptism. Others are the young or infant children of active members of the congregation or those children for whom members of the congregation assume sponsorship.

Baptisms are scheduled through the Church Office. Baptisms are celebrated as part of our regular worship service. Several “Baptismal Festivals” are scheduled throughout the church year to highlight the centrality of Baptism to our faith. Baptisms can be scheduled on other Sundays if a family’s circumstances require it.

Baptismal Sponsors (known in some churches as “godparents”) are active members of Christian churches who (along with the parents of infants and young children) take responsibility for supporting and nurturing the faith development of the baptismal candidate.

Baptismal candidates or, in the case of infants and young children, parents and baptismal sponsors, attend classes with the Pastor to prepare for the celebration of the Sacrament. To discuss Baptism and/or schedule an appointment, please contact the Church Office.


Marriage is a gift of God which God has given that we might live in community. A marriage is the occasion for a service of worship and praise – not just a ceremony for spectators to watch. A wedding is, first of all, a worship service. The focus is on God.

Weddings are celebrated at St. John’s for members of the congregation and others who have and/or desire a relationship with Christ and His Church.

Weddings are scheduled through the Church Office. Couples are required to participate in marriage preparation sessions sponsored by Lutheran Congregational Services. The couple meets with the pastor to plan the service and with the Director of Music to plan the service music.

A Wedding Coordinator helps coordinate the activities of the church staff and facility use. The couple will be provided a schedule of fees and guidelines.


A Christian is received into the Church, the body of Christ, in Holy Baptism and sustained by the Church’s proclamation of God’s Word and celebration of Holy Communion. So, too, at death the Church proclaims the Word of God. In the Funeral Liturgy the Church proclaims its glorious hope in the resurrection of the dead through our Lord Jesus Christ.

At the time of the death of a loved one, please notify the Pastor as soon as possible through the Church Office.

The Church is the usual place for the funeral of a Christian, although the Pastor will officiate at the service at a funeral home if that is the family’s wish. The Parish Hall is available for luncheons and fellowship. A volunteer group serves the meal; the only cost is for the food and supplies. Arrangements are made through the Church Office.